Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Top 10 Pictures of 2013 #4 –Turkey Paparazzi

Top 10 Pictures of 2013
#4 –Turkey Paparazzi

It is commercial, it is very commercial, it is a parade of capitalism that has evolved, year-by-year, into an even bigger parade of capitalism and you know what – I DON’T CARE! I LOVE IT!  The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is pure joy for me.  I love dressing properly for the weather and watching all the others who didn’t freeze. I love getting there so early that the families who arrive later try (unsuccessfully) to push their kids in front of me. I love the marching bands, the D-list pop singers who can’t lip-sync to their own songs, the people above leaning out their apartment to get eye level with the balloons.  I love the “official” kick-off to the holiday season and the feeling that I am living a scene from Miracle on 34th Street. 

Now, aside from the finally of Santa’s arrival, an event crescendo that really can’t be rivaled, the number one element I love about the parade is Tom the Turkey.  Yes, this classic float and its corresponding pilgrim costume wearing Macy’s employee escort makes me squeal with childlike glee.  If I had a wish I would not wish to ride Tom the Turkey in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade – no, one wish should be used for ending hunger or poverty, but if I had a second wish I would wish for the best pilgrim costume ever made and a chance to sit atop Tom waving to the world and welcoming the spirit of the season. Until that day I will continue my infatuation with Tom and thank my lucky stars that I was so close to him this year that I can declare myself a float paparazzi and enjoy top ten pick number four. 

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